Marcel Fratzscher
Marcel Fratzscher, a former head of
International Policy Analysis at the European Central Bank, is Committee
Chairman and President of the think tank DIW Berlin.
Germany’s Strange Turn Against Trade
– The window of opportunity to complete the Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnership (TTIP) between the United States and the European
Union is closing quickly. National elections will be held this year and
next in the US, France, and Germany, and the campaigns will play out in
an environment that is increasingly hostile to international agreements
in any form. The biggest risk might come from the least likely source:
Germany, an export powerhouse.
As it stands, some 70% of Germans citizens oppose
the TTIP, almost twice the average in other European countries. They
overwhelmingly believe that Germany will not benefit economically, that
lower-skill workers’ wages will suffer, that large corporations will
gain power at the expense of consumers, that data and environmental
protection will be compromised, and that citizens’ rights will be
But a slew of studies
have proved all of these claims to be overblown or outright wrong. In
fact, Germany – whose economic progress since the end of World War II
has been driven by its consistent openness to international trade and
economic integration, and which remains one of Europe’s most open and
trade-dependent economies – would be among the main beneficiaries of the
It is projected that the TTIP would raise annual per capita
income in Germany by 1-3%, or €300-1,000 per year by 2035. Moreover,
with nearly 50% of German jobs linked, directly or indirectly, to the
tradable sector, the deal would also help protect employment. And, by
boosting the ability of the US and Europe to set global business
standards, German firms’ international competitiveness would rise. Not
every individual or company stands to gain from the TTIP, but the net
effect on Germany’s economy and citizens would be clearly positive.
Why, then, do so many in Germany oppose the deal?
One reason is that
Germany’s apparent economic success has increased aversion to change.
The country not only endured the global financial crisis of 2008-2009
and the European sovereign debt crisis; it has actually thrived in
recent years, experiencing robust GDP growth and impressive wage gains.
The unemployment rate has been halved since 2005, reaching a record low
of 4.6% today, and its current-account surplus has soared to a
staggering 8% of GDP.
The sense of being
Europe’s economic superstar has generated policy inertia, bringing the
country almost to a complete standstill on economic reforms. While most
other Europeans are desperately looking for any opportunity to pull
their country out of crisis, Germans see little reason to meddle with an
ostensibly prosperous status quo.
Unfortunately for
Germany, its current path is not as smooth and secure as people like to
think. In fact, since its lost decade as the “sick man of Europe” in the
2000s, Germany has caught up with other advanced economies in only some
areas. It still has one of the lowest rates of public and private
investment among OECD countries, and will be hit harder than most by a
dramatic demographic shift over the next decade. Beyond providing an
immediate economic boost, the TTIP would help Germany weather the
longer-term challenges it faces.
Germany’s opposition
to the TTIP also reflects the recent surge in populist and nationalist
sentiment in much of the Western world. The appeal of such forces is
particularly pronounced in the EU, owing to the popular perception that
European integration has weakened national sovereignty and left citizens
subject to decision-making by unelected technocrats. The last thing
many Europeans want is yet another set of supra-national rules,
formulated behind closed doors, governing their economies.
This sentiment is
especially acute for Germans, who remain bitter at, as they perceive it,
having been Europe’s paymaster during the crisis. Some now fear that
the TTIP is just another trick, intended to take advantage of Germany’s
economic strength and generosity. Overcoming this fear will be no easy
A third reason for
Germany’s opposition to the TTIP is that the country is already engaged
in a battle for wealth redistribution. Germany currently has the highest
inequality in private wealth in the eurozone, and it has experienced a
sharp increase in wage inequality over the last two decades.
In fact, many Germans
anticipate a further increase in inequality. Not only is the minimum
wage widely circumvented; some politicians have capitalized on fears of
the current influx of refugees to win votes, claiming that openness to
foreigners will only make inequality worse.
Compounding Germans’
disillusionment is the sense – shared by many in Europe and elsewhere –
that the system is “rigged.” Volkswagen managers received huge bonuses
this year, despite the global scandal caused by the company’s years-long
effort to evade emissions standards. And the release of the Panama
Papers has revealed how the wealthiest avoid paying taxes. Claims that
the TTIP would benefit primarily the wealthy have thus struck a chord with labor unions and others.
A trade-dependent
economy has much to gain from freer trade, especially with a market as
large as the US. Germany should be using its political clout to push its
European counterparts to seal the deal. Instead, with the popularity of
the country’s two largest political parties, the Christian Democratic
Union and the Social Democrats, falling fast, Germany’s leaders are
unlikely to push an unpopular deal. That is bad news for everyone –
especially Germans.
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