Tuesday, May 31, 2016

CIA: Requests For Documents on Ted Cruz’s Father Require His Permission

Cruz's father previously linked to Lee Harvey Oswald

The Obama administration cat-and-mouse game, also known as filing freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, has hit a brick wall with the Central Intelligence Agency with WMR’s request for “copies of all records generated between January 1, 1947 and May 5, 2016, concerning the Central Intelligence Agency’s employment of or contacts with Rafael Bienvenidos Cruz, Sr., the Cuban-born grandfather of Texas Senator Ted Cruz.”
We also requested all similar records generated between January 1, 1956 and May 5, 2016, concerning the CIA’s relationships with Rafael Bienvenidos Cruz y Diaz, Jr., the Cuban-born father of Ted Cruz.

The agency has not only rejected WMR’s request for expedited processing of the request for not demonstrating “a compelling need” but has used Privacy Act requirements to stymie our FOIA request on Ted Cruz’s father’s past association with the CIA.
The CIA has responded that requests on living [emphasis in original] third parties to provide a signed affidavit or declaration from the third parties waiving all or some of their privacy rights.
In the case of Ted Cruz’s father, who is still alive, it is highly doubtful that he will waive any of his privacy rights in order that any CIA records of his association with the agency in Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Cuba, or Canada be released to the public.
As for Ted Cruz’s grandfather, an employee of the RCA Corporation in Cuba, a followup request for documents remains possible as long as WMR supplies the CIA with his date and place of birth and date and place of death, with the death affirmed by a death certificate or obituary notice in hard copy.
The CIA’s reason for the requirement for a death certificate or obituary notice is that they “may be unable to distinguish between individuals with the same or similar names” in order to “ensure there are no privacy considerations.” The names of Ted Cruz’s father and grandfather are identical.

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