Donald Trump Wants to Replace Political Correctness with “Trump Correctness”
Chris Rossini: Next we are going to, we actually saved the most frightening topics for last and both of them come from presidential candidate Donald Trump. The first is when he addresses Obama’s sending off 100 to 200 special operation forces to Iraq. Of course none of this was voted for by Congress, the Iraqi President or prime minister doesn’t want the troops there, but they are going anyway and Donald Trump had a problem with it, but his was a little different than from our point of view. Donald says why does he have to stand up and say we are sending them. Why can’t he send them and be quite, we don’t have any unpredictability anywhere.Ron Paul: That is unreal, unbelievable that he could say this, but what is annoying is not so much what he said it, that the American people love it, that is what we need, we need a President that will act and not tell us what he is going to do, but then he followed up with this and said we don’t need to worry about this political correctness and worrying about hitting civilians and families, he actually implied that he would go directly to the families, because they care about their families and they only respond if we put them on the line too. That is so outrageous and what is so annoying is this builds his popularity. I think what is happening today is because there has been retaliation of the Middle East, there is so much violence and killing done in the name of radical religious beliefs that our side is reacting this way in the form of type of populism.
It’s very aggressive populism and giving the president more authority in combating that attitude and one thing that Trump has been able to get away with and I find it most of us are pretty sympathetic when he attacks the idiocy and outrageous political correctness that we live with and that probably has gained him more popularity that anything else. So, the political correctness and those individuals that have been intimidating, don’t say this or you will be penniless and lose your job and kicked out of office, if you just hit anything. He’s been bold and he has challenged political correctness. The problem there is the substitute is Trump correctness. Who is going to define correctness of the far left, is it going to be Trump correctness?
Then, he loves executive order, he says I would use executive orders and the statement that Chris read implies that why do I have to tell anybody what I am doing. We are supposed to be living in a Republic, we are supposed to be living in a free society. It is rather sad to see these things slipping by, because these issue, this type of attitude, it’s great that you challenge the ridiculousness of political correctness, but if you supported with these ideas that you need more secrecy and more force and send more troops and he is not bashful about that. That is why I consider it a very dangerous idea of being so authoritarian and finding these solutions, for moral reason, as well as Constitutional reasons.
If Trump had his way, he wouldn’t be worrying about the Constitution. Also, we should make people look to more practical results of what has happened. The practical results of the last 14 years of our foreign policy has been disastrous. It has been disastrous for our troops and our national security and our economic security and yet we still say there is some people killed in Paris, let’s bomb Syria more and even said the people who perpetuated that crisis in Paris had European passports, so just going and killing and according to Trump, if we kill some civilians we have to kill them and even go and hit them at the mosque. That is over the top and I would hope that the American people wake up and just look to the values of a Republic to the values of how free markets and trade are beneficial and deal with violence because there is always going to be violence.
This whole idea that you overreact, just look at the overreaction of 9/11 invading the Middle East and remaking the entire Middle East, look what it has led to, millions of people killed. If this continues, we need to think in terms of liberty, the purpose of government is to protect liberty and accept the principle that nobody, the government or individuals are not allowed to initiate violence against another person and I think the world would be a lot better off and I think there would be a lot better chance for peace and prosperity for all of us.
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