As central bankers worldwide continue to
struggle to boost growth, inflation, and unemployment, the real issue is
not whether more powerful monetary instruments are still available. The
question is whether using them is necessary – or even threatens to do
more harm than good.

– Have central bankers run out of ammunition in their battle against
deflation and unemployment? The answer, many policymakers and economists
writing for Project Syndicate agree, is clearly No. “Monetary
policymakers have plenty of weapons and an endless supply of ammunition
at their disposal,” says Mojmír Hampl,
Vice-Governor of the Czech National Bank. The real issue is not whether
more powerful monetary instruments are still available, but whether
using them is necessary – or even threatens to do more harm than good.
are, in principle, four broad ways to add more stimulus to the world
economy. The obvious course is to keep cutting interest rates, if
necessary deeper into negative territory, as suggested by Koichi Hamada, economic adviser to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. In Hamada’s view, interest-rate cuts work mainly by weakening currencies and so boosting exports. Likewise, Raghuram Rajan,
Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, believes that “exchange rates
may be the primary channel of transmission” for monetary easing, but
worries that currency depreciation is a zero-sum game for the world as a
A bigger problem is that rate cuts may not weaken currencies at all. As I noted
six months ago, the fact is that the “widely assumed correlation
between monetary policy and currency values does not stand up to
empirical examination.” Indeed, Hamada admits that Japan’s recent rate
cuts perversely strengthened the yen: “The effects on the yen and the
stock market have been an unpleasant surprise.”
A second option, implemented in March by the European Central Bank and supported by Hans-Helmut Kotz,
a former chief economist of the Bundesbank, is to expand so-called
quantitative easing (QE). Emulating the approach adopted in 2010 by the
US, the ECB is boosting liquidity by purchasing long-term government
bonds and other financial assets.
third standard response is fiscal expansion – cutting taxes and
increasing public spending. This is the course recommended by the International Monetary Fund and the OECD. Yale’s Stephen S. Roach,
a former chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, calls over-reliance on
monetary policies “a final act of desperation,” one that is “effectively
closing off the only realistic escape route from a liquidity trap.
Lacking fiscal stimulus, central bankers keep upping the ante by
injecting more liquidity into bubble-prone financial markets – failing
to recognize that they are doing nothing more than ‘pushing on a
string,’ as they did in the 1930s.”
problem is political, not economic. Fiscal expansion conflicts with
what Kotz calls the German “fetish” of balancing budgets “come hell or
high water.” The same irrational opposition to fiscal stimulus prevails
among American conservatives, who, according to Berkeley economic
historian Barry Eichengreen, “have been antagonistic to all exercise of federal government power for the best part of two centuries.”
This leaves the fourth possibility: “Helicopter drops,” the term coined by Milton Friedman
for central bankers’ infinite capacity to generate inflation by
printing money and distributing it directly to citizens. Rajan describes
the idea succinctly: “[T]he central bank prints money and sprays it on
the streets to create inflation (more prosaically, it sends a check to
every citizen, perhaps more to the poor, who are likelier to spend it).”
And today, nearly a half-century after Friedman mooted the possibility
of such a policy, there are growing calls to implement it.
The Whir of Helicopters
principle, helicopter money is equivalent to a universal tax rebate.
The crucial difference is that the rebate is not financed by government
borrowing in bond markets; instead, the central bank simply emits new
banknotes (or electronic deposits).
Kemal Derviş,
Vice President of the Brookings Institution and a former Turkish
minister of economic affairs, explains why central banks might do better
to distribute new money directly to citizens instead of channeling it
through bond markets. “[N]ewly created money,” he argues, “would bypass
the financial and corporate sectors and go straight to middle- and
lower-income consumers. And, “by placing purchasing power in the hands
of those who need it most, direct monetary financing…would also help to
improve inclusiveness in economies where inequality is rising fast.”
As Michael Heise,
chief economist of Germany’s biggest insurance company, Allianz,
observes uneasily, Derviş is hardly the only prominent advocate of
turning Friedman’s outlandish “thought experiment” into reality:
“Proponents of helicopter drops include some eminent figures, such as
former US Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke and Adair Turner, former
head of the United Kingdom’s Financial Services Authority. And while ECB
President Mario Draghi has highlighted obstacles that stand in the way
of helicopter drops by his institution, he has not ruled them out.”
In fact, the ECB has gone further. According to Jean Pisani-Ferry,
Commissioner-General of France Stratégie, policymakers are “openly
pondering” the “right response.” In the event of another recession, he
points out, “Peter Praet, the ECB’s chief economist, has explicitly
noted that all central banks can [use] the last resort option known as
helicopter money.”
should helicopter money be viewed only as a last resort? Perhaps it is
as an immediately desirable policy. Turner, who recently published a
book-length prescription for helicopter money, explains why his approach would be much more effective than standard measures like negative interest rates and QE.
Derviş, Turner believes that distributing money directly to citizens
would avert the financial bubbles created by artificially low interest
rates, and that, instead of favoring the rich, who benefit from QE’s
financial “wealth effects,” helicopter money would reduce inequality.
Even inflationary risks would be diminished, because less money would
need to be printed if, rather than relying on the roundabout methods of
QE, the economy was stimulated directly.
Unfortunately, as Turner notes, the debate about helicopter money is badly muddled:
is often claimed that monetizing fiscal deficits is bound to produce
excessive inflation. It is simultaneously argued that monetary financing
would not stimulate demand. Both these assertions cannot be true; in
reality, neither is. Very small money-financed deficits would produce
only a minimal impact on nominal demand: very large ones would produce
harmfully high inflation. Somewhere in the middle there is an optimal
policy – a common-sense proposition that is often missing from the
As one of the first economists to advocate helicopter money – or “Quantitative easing for the people”
– after the financial crisis, I strongly support Turner’s conclusions.
Helicopter drops would not only be more effective than conventional
monetary policies; they would also create fewer financial distortions,
economic risks, and political protests. Nonetheless, for many observers,
the question remains whether the costs of monetary activism outweigh
the benefits.
Can Central Banks Be Too Active?
objection to further monetary stimulus is simply that it is no longer
necessary, because economic conditions are returning to normal. Hampl
notes that while “central banks are undershooting their inflation
targets, that is unpleasant, not disastrous.” Heise argues that “most advanced economies are producing at close to capacity.” In a similar vein, Daniel Gros,
Director of the Center for European Policy Studies, points out that
“nominal GDP growth far exceeds average long-term interest rates,
[implying] that financing conditions are as favorable as they were at
the peak of the credit boom in 2007 [and] allowing unemployment to
return to pre-crisis lows.”
Of course, not everyone accepts this benign view of global economic conditions. As Nobel laureate Joseph E. Stiglitz
has put it: “The underlying problem which has plagued the global
economy since the crisis [is] lack of global aggregate demand.” But
recognition of the need for more aggressive stimulus policies has not
diminished skepticism or downright hostility toward what Nouriel Roubini
calls the “conventional unconventional” instruments of QE and negative
interest rates that central bankers still officially favor. As Derviş
or negative real interest rates…undermine the efficient allocation of
capital and set the stage for bubbles, busts, and crises. They also
contribute to further income concentration at the top by hurting small
savers, while creating opportunities for large financial players to
benefit from access to savings at negative real cost.”
Derviş maintains that, “[a]s unorthodox as it may sound, it is likely
that the world economy would benefit from somewhat higher interest
rates,” though not as “a stand-alone policy.” Instead, “small
policy-rate increases must be incorporated into a broader fiscal and
distributional strategy” of global policy coordination and probably also
helicopter drops.
line of attack, especially popular among conservative economists, is
that over-active monetary and fiscal policies distract attention from
the need for painful measures. Sylvester Eijffinger of Tilburg University in the Netherlands, warns that monetary activism,“by
enabling [weaker] economies to borrow cheaply, permits them to avoid
implementing difficult structural reforms.” Roubini makes a similar
point: While it is true that “monetary policy can play an important role
in boosting growth and inflation,” it cannot increase potential growth,
for which “structural policies are needed.”
Hans-Werner Sinn
spells out this argument sharply: “[T]he more Keynesian and monetarist
drugs are administered, the feebler the self-healing power of the
markets and the weaker the willingness of policymakers to impose painful
detoxification treatments on the economy and populace.” To make matters
worse, zero interest rates are encouraging “still-sound economies to
become credit junkies. Even Germany, Europe’s largest economy, has been
experiencing a massive property boom.”
the strongest advocate of helicopter money, confronts the issue in
disarming fashion: “Some structural reforms such as increasing
labor-market flexibility by, say, making it easier to dismiss workers,can
have a negative effect on spending.” Is that really what we want?
“Vague references to ‘structural reform’ should ideally be banned,”
Turner insists, “with everyone forced to specify which particular
reforms they are talking about and the timetable for any benefits that
are achieved.”
But financial-market participants raise other concerns. According to Alexander Friedman,
Group CEO of GAM Holding and former Global Chief Investment Officer for
UBS Wealth Management, decision-making by central banks, especially the
Fed, increasingly reflects a new implicit mandate to counter global
market volatility. “Any suggestion that the Fed will
hike faster or sooner than anticipated,” Friedman notes, “leads to fears
of tighter financial conditions, and violent risk-off moves.” And yet
the perceived need to ensure financial-market stability
increasingly conflicts with the Fed’s obligation to set policy in
response to domestic economic fundamentals.
As a result, Friedman warns, the Fed’s new mandate “undermines any semblance of central-bank independence,” a concern shared by Howard Davies,
the first chairman of the UK’s Financial Services Authority and current
Chairman of the Royal Bank of Scotland. The problem, for Davies, is not
just that central banks’ policy activism “may be preventing the other
adjustments, whether fiscal or structural, that are needed to resolve
those impediments to economic recovery.” Central banks are also being
assigned a broad range of new tasks: “An institution buying bonds with
public money, deciding on the availability of mortgage finance, and
winding down banks at great cost to their shareholders demands a
different form of political accountability.”
A New Economics in the Making?
policymakers respond to such conflicting advice will depend on how
immovably their countries are trapped in economic stagnation. In the US
and Britain, conventional QE and zero interest rates have broadly
restored full employment, if not yet adequate growth. So pressure for
radical measures is likely to remain subdued – at least until the next
recession. In Europe and Japan – and possibly in China – the arguments
for uniting monetary policy, fiscal stimulus, and income redistribution
through helicopter money are more compelling.
free money to all citizens from central banks may sound bizarre, but
sooner or later public patience with economic stagnation may be
exhausted – and radical action may become politically irresistible. As
Harvard’s Dani Rodrik
observes: “The only surprising thing about the populist backlash that
has overwhelmed the politics of many advanced democracies is that it has
taken so long.” After all, “the first era of globalization, which
reached its peak in the decades before World War I, eventually produced
an even more severe political backlash.” The result was the
transformation of “[Adam] Smith’s minimal capitalism…into Keynes’ mixed
economy.” As that example shows, “capitalism’s saving grace is that it
is almost infinitely malleable.”
Likewise, I recently suggested
that what lies ahead is a reinvention of policies and institutions no
less radical than the transformations of the 1860s, 1930s, and 1980s.
Rodrik does not treat the Thatcher-Reagan revolution of the 1980s as the
start of a distinct phase. But our arguments are essentially similar.
One way or another, global capitalism, along with the monetary, fiscal,
and distributional policies that sustain it, will need to be
reconstructed. Today’s increasingly heterodox monetary policies should
be viewed as the start of this process.
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