Donald Trump believes that America is in decline due to a rigged global economy. His view: “We lose on trade.” Hillary Clinton also has become staunchly anti-trade, saying China and other countries have “gamed the system for too long.”
The idea that the United States is a loser in the global economy must strike people in other countries as strange. When the rest of the world looks at America, what do they see? They see a nation with the world’s largest and most innovative economy, a great deal of individual opportunity that allows people to advance, and an unparalleled ability to participate in global affairs when it chooses to do so. “Why,” they must ask themselves, “is the United States gripped with such self-doubt?”

Part of the reason is simply that Americans tend to be keenly aware of their own personal and financial concerns, but may not pay much attention to the country’s broader role in the global economy.
So, how big is the United States? In a global economic context, it’s really big. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that world GDP in 2016 will be about $74 trillion, and that the United States will produce 25 percent ($18.6 trillion) of it. That’s well ahead of second-place China, which accounts for 15 percent ($11.4 trillion).