Monday, September 30, 2024

Milei’s Political Game

political game
  Oscar Grau

“I’m the one who destroys the state from within.” “The state is a criminal organization.” “Taxation is theft.” “The state does everything wrong.” These are just a few of the many anti-statist (or anarcho-capitalist) lines uttered by Javier Milei, who—after breaking the barriers of respectable political discourse and becoming a congressman in 2021—won the presidency of Argentina in 2023.

And while statism continues to advance or is protected when statists are in power, whether left or right, many people had pinned their hopes on Milei to radically fight statism. However, his political adventure, beyond the changes on the right track, has proven to be not much more than a political game in favor of statism.

Homeownership Is Not the American Dream

 Homeownership Is Not the American Dream

In a recent interview with Bill Maher, Nancy Pelosi discussed a recently proposed California law—Assembly Bill 1840—that aimed to provide taxpayer funds to first-time homebuyers regardless of immigration status. In defense of the proposed law, which was ultimately vetoed by California Governor Gavin Newsom, Pelosi stated that she wanted to help illegal immigrants achieve the “American Dream.”

Setting aside the insanity of compelling California taxpayers to fund home loans for illegal immigrants, homeownership is not the American Dream. Politicians propagate this myth, with the help of their crony partners in the banking and housing industries, because it gives government a handy excuse to further entrench itself in a $40 trillion industry, always accruing more power in the process. 


Political Violence in American Society


The recent attempts on former President Donald Trump’s life have sparked concerns about political violence and the normalization of such acts in American society. It’s been no secret that over the past few election cycles the polarization and divisive rhetoric has ramped up. But with multiple assassination attempts on a leading presidential candidate, it’s worth noting that the political establishment doesn’t appear to be interested in quelling the issues that have led to these acts but relishing in them instead.

Of course, these events can be analyzed through the lens of individual rights, property, and the consequences of government intervention. When government officials, such as politicians or law enforcement, engage in aggressive and violent behavior or promote divisive and inflammatory rhetoric, they create an environment conducive to political extremism and violence. In this context, the attempts on Trump’s life can be seen as a total manifestation of the destructive consequences of government overreach, intervention, and the erosion of individual rights.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Media Complicit in the Crimes of Israel

Does Israel Commit War Crimes? • Unpacked for Educators

The coverage of Israeli soldiers pushing three Palestinians off a roof in the West Bank town of Qabatiya – it’s unclear whether the men are dead or near-dead – is being barely reported by the western media, even though it was videoed from at least three different angles and a reporter from the main US news agency Associated Press witnessed it.

AP reported on this incident. Its news feed is accessed by all western establishment media, so they all know.

Yet again, the media has chosen to ignore Israeli war crimes, even when there is definitive proof that they occurred. (Or perhaps more accurately: even more so when there is definitive proof they occurred.)

Remember, that same media never fails to highlight – or simply makes up – any crime Palestinians are accused of, such as those non-existent “beheaded babies”.

Do Not Risk Calling Putin’s Bluff


 In Ukraine, Time To Call Putin's Bluff on Using Western-Made Missiles  Inside Russia | The New York Sun

As Russia continues its advance west toward the key logistical city of Pokrovsk, whose fall would threaten Ukraine’s ability to supply its troops in the Donbas and expose fields to the west of the city over which Russian troops can pour into the rest of Donbas, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky demands daily that the West grant permission for Ukraine to use its long-range missiles to fire deeper into Russian territory.

On September 14, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer met U.S. President Joe Biden at the White House to discuss granting Ukraine permission to use American and British long-range missiles to strike inside Russia, or, at least, to discuss the United States granting Britain permission to allow Ukraine to use British long-range missiles.

The meeting prompted a warning from Russian President Vladimir Putin, that now is the time for “deciding whether NATO countries become directly involved in the military conflict.”

Asked what he thought of Putin’s warning, Biden responded, “I don’t think much about Vladimir Putin.” That is a mistake American presidents have been making since 2007 when Putin warned that a hyper militarized unipolar world was “plunging the world into an abyss of permanent conflict.”

Thanks to Biden, Lebanon Is Burning

 Goodbye Lebanon: Israel's First Defeat by Tveit, Odd Karsten (2013)  Paperback: Odd Karsten Tveit: Books

The Biden administration claims to be pushing for a “temporary ceasefire” between Israel and Hezbollah to avert a larger conflict, but this is very late in the day and it is not a serious effort to prevent a new war in Lebanon. It is at best a desperate, last-minute exercise in going through the motions of diplomacy. The administration would like to pretend that it is a passive bystander pleading from the sidelines instead of the chief patron and arms supplier of the main belligerent in the conflict, and it designs its entreaties to be toothless so that Israel can safely ignore them.

The US has refused to exert any pressure on Benjamin Netanyahu’s government for the last eleven months, and it has continued supplying Israel with weapons no matter how those weapons have been used to commit war crimes against Palestinians. Now US officials say that they don’t want further escalation in Lebanon, but once again the administration won’t back up those words with action. The US could use its leverage to rein Israel in and insist on the de-escalation that the administration says that it wants, but the president has shown that he has no interest in doing that.

Biden Announces Nearly $8 Billion in Military Aid for Ukraine


The president also announced he will provide Ukraine with glide bombs that will be packed with cluster bombs

President Biden on Thursday announced a massive military aid package for Ukraine worth $7.9 billion ahead of his meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at the White House.

“Today, I am announcing a surge in security assistance for Ukraine and a series of additional actions to help Ukraine win this war,” Biden said in a statement announcing the aid.

He is authorizing the use of $5.5 billion in Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA), which allows the US to send weapons straight from military stockpiles. If the PDA funds hadn’t been used, they would have expired on September 30, the end of the 2024 fiscal year.

Biden said he wanted to “ensure this authority does not expire, so that my Administration can fully utilize the funding appropriated by Congress to support the drawdown of US equipment for Ukraine and then replenish US stockpiles.”

US President Joe Biden meets with Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskiy at the White House in Washington, U.S., September 26, 2024. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz

Friday, September 27, 2024


Ricardo Valenzuela

 Alien and Flying Saucer Space Ship Stock Vector - Illustration of friendly,  aliens: 77593936

Desde tiempos inmemoriales el ser humano ha siempre especulado acerca de la posibilidad que haya vida en otros planetas de este infinito universo. El gran científico Carl Sagan afirmaba que pensar somos los únicos en este universo, es una actitud arrogante y alejada de la razón. Se habla, también, que durante mucho tiempo algunos de esos seres intergalácticos han estado visitando nuestro planeta pues, siendo seres que en tecnología sus adelantos son de millones de años comparados con las nuestras, lo hacen con rutina.


Thursday, September 26, 2024

How the Pentagon Betrayed President Trump on January 6


By Jack Cashill

On January 6, 2021, nearly five hours passed between the breach of the Capitol perimeter and the arrival of a National Guard contingent ready and waiting to deploy just ten minutes away. Had the National Guard arrived within that first hour, “January 6” would have no more historical resonance than any other day on the calendar.

Any number of people bear the blame for this calamitous security failure, but that list does not include the two most frequently cited scapegoats, the D.C. National Guard or President Donald Trump.

Of the thousands of words of sworn testimony, some of the most revealing came from Colonel Earl Matthews. In rebutting the questions asked by Rep. Norma Torres, a California Democrat, at a congressional hearing on April 17, 2024, the intrepid Matthews shared some inconvenient truths.

History: Adolph Hitler Was Financed by Wall Street, the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England


US Investments in Nazi Germany. Rockefeller Financed Adolf Hitler's Election Campaign

From World War I to the Present: Dollar denominated debt has been the driving force behind all US led wars.

Wall Street creditors are the main actors. 

They were firmly behind Nazi Germany. They financed Operation Barbarossa and the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941.  The Ethnic Cleansing o... Ilan Pappe Best Price: $3.12 Buy New $11.59 (as of 07:25 UTC - Details)

“On January 4th, 1932, a meeting was held between British financier Montagu Norman (Governor of the Bank of England), Adolf Hitler and Franz Von Papen (who became Chancellor a few months later in May 1932) At this meeting, an agreement on the financing of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP or Nazi Party) was reached.

This meeting was also attended by US policy-makers and the Dulles brothers, something which their biographers do not like to mention.

Sunday, September 22, 2024


 Ricardo Valenzuela

 El conejo de Duracell | PSD Premium generado con IA

EU se está sumergiendo en un remolino que nadie tiene idea de su ferocidad y, sobre todo, las graves consecuencias que se puedan derivar. En estos momentos ya hay evidencia científica de que en el intento de asesinato de Trump participaron varios tiradores develando un plan profesional, no el tirador solitario que han tratado la gente acepte. Pero, a diferencia del asesinato de Kennedy, este intento fue ejecutado con una ineptitud y descaro difícil de creer. Y el que este crimen, como el de Kennedy, pueda quedar impune, es dar la bienvenida a quienes lo ordenaron y logren su propósito que en estos momentos ya es muy claro.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

“Sepamos ser libres, no siervos menguados”

 Por José Joaquín Fernández.

En Costa Rica contamos con el “Himno patriótico al 15 de septiembre” el cual es un hermoso canto a la libertad compuesto en 1883. Algunas de sus estrofas son las siguientes: “Los hijos del pueblo, levanten la frente, al sol refulgente de la libertad. Sepamos ser libres, no siervos menguados, … Nuestro brazo nervudo y pujante, contra el déspota inicuo opresor, … y baluarte serán nuestros pechos, contra el yugo de inicua opresión.”

El Himno patriótico al 15 de septiembre, sin lugar a duda, es una apología a la libertad. Pero, ¿qué significa ser libre y no siervo menguado? ¿Cómo identificamos a un déspota inicuo opresor? ¿Cómo hacemos de nuestro pecho un baluarte en contra del yugo y la opresión?

No es posible responder a estas preguntas sin antes reflexionar sobre la naturaleza o esencia del ser humano. Nos cuenta Fernando Salvater en su libro Ética para Amador que “… los castores hacen presas en los arroyos y las abejas panales en celdillas hexagonales: no hay castores a los que tiente hacer celdillas de panal, ni abejas que se dediquen a la ingeniería hidráulica”. Los animales están programados para ser lo que son, no pueden ser otra cosa. Por el contrario, el ser humano sí puede escoger lo que hace porque su esencia, que lo distingue de los animales, es su libertad.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024





Ricardo Valenzuela

 México: una diputada junta firmas para pedir que López Obrador priorice a  la agenda LGBT tras dichos transfóbicos

“La guerra educa los sentidos, llama la voluntad a la acción, perfecciona la constitución física, lleva a los hombres a una colisión tan rápida y cercana en los momentos más críticos en los que el hombre mide al hombre”.

                                  Ralph Waldo Emerson

Mientras Venezuela se convulsiona ante el grupo de criminales que han tenido secuestrado el pais, que lo ha saqueado y oprimido durante más de 25 años llevándolo a la ruina y, habiendo perdido la elección del mes de Julio, se niegan a entregar el poder encerrados el palacio de Miraflores. Así, los buques de guerra EU tiran el ancla muy cerca de la costa, sus aviones de combate diariamente patrullan y penetran el espacio del pais, y ya soplan vientos de guerra que seria el precio del rescate y salvación de ese bello pais, frente a esa esa congregación de criminales que retan a todo el mundo.



 Ricardo Valenzuela

 Political cartoon of president zelensky with money on Craiyon

Las últimas horas se han estado presentando eventos relacionados con la guerra en Ucrania que, por primera vez desde su inicio, a mi me han provocado casi una histeria y frustración. A pesar de que Ucrania está ya derrotada y destruida, la OTAN que no debería tener vela en ese entierro—Ucrania no es miembro—cada día sube la temperatura ya casi a punto de enviar tropas. Biden, aprovecha su visita a las playas donde se iniciara la invasión de Europa en la SG mundial, y totalmente fuera del programa hace una serie de amenazas a Rusia.



 Ricardo Valenzuela

 Venezuela's Maduro Hangs On (Cartoon) - Havana Times

Esta obra Fellinesca que se ha estado desarrollando en Venezuela, no es solamente la lucha de gente oprimida contra una de las peores tiranías que ha conocido el mundo. Si la observamos con profundidad veremos que esa Venezuela de Maduro, se ha convertido en el centro del narcotráfico mundial que representa un mercado de $2 trillones de dólares al año. En Venezuela, cortesía de Chavez, ahora se asila la confederación de todos los narco políticos de AL en donde, sin sorpresa, vemos que los participantes son todos socialistas: Honduras, Nicaragua, Colombia, Mexico y algunos socios juniors.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The War in the Ukraine in Libertarian Perspective


My speech last year here in Bodrum on Germany’s role in the ongoing war between Russia and the Ukraine, or better and more accurately: between Russia on the one hand and the US, as the boss of NATO, its various European vassals and in particular Germany, and the Ukraine and the Ukrainians as their proxy: as their dispensable tools, useful idiots and sacrificeable lambs on the other hand, has not gone over too well with many supposedly libertarian folks from the former so-called East-bloc countries.

While there had been always participants from Eastern Europe coming to our conference, in fact, often quite a few of them, there are very few here this time. I find this disappointing of course, but I do not regret what I said last year on this subject or find any serious fault with my analysis. To the contrary, if anything, later events such as the destruction of the North-Stream pipeline by, according to all indicators and indications, the US or in close cooperation with the US, and the frank and captivating admission of Merkel, Holland, Macron and Selenskij that the Minsk agreements had never been meant seriously by them but solely served the purpose of buying more time for the Ukraine to get armed for a military confrontation with Russia, further strengthened my arguments.

Friday, September 13, 2024


Ricardo Valenzuela

Parece que de nuevo el grupo de narcos que ha controlado y saqueado a Venezuela, una vez más se han burlado de su pueblo y, aun ante la avalancha de votos que los condenan, con arrogancia han declarado su victoria. No me extraña como tampoco me sorprendió el asalto mexicano del Peje hace unas semanas. Y lo más triste, EU no tiene ya autoridad moral para “salvar la democracia” después de su robo del 2020, y en su desesperación ante “los votos” que anuncian otra victoria de Trump, decidieron asesinarlo.



 Ricardo Valenzuela

Desde aquella ocasión en el verano del 2015, cuando, con gran sorpresa pude ver a Donald Trump en la escalera de su edificio en Manhattan anunciando su intención de llegar a la presidencia, de nuevo se me despertó un interés especial para realmente entender la política, que decepcionado la había abandonado. Pero también tratar de entender por qué un hombre como él podría dejar la dirección de un verdadero imperio global, para incursionar en ese campo tan diferente en donde, otros con perfiles similares, habían fracasado sin poder llegar siquiera a la nominación, ya no digamos la presidencia.

Fue cuando mi especial interés de estudiar solamente las economías de los paises que forman la economía global, de nuevo se complementara para hacer lo mismo en esta actividad tan desconocida para los mortales como es la política. Mi personalidad compulsiva me llevaría a descubrir lo que jamás imaginara e ignoraba, porque esos son tesoros ocultos y los más protegidos a los que nadie tiene acceso. El haber conocido a Trump hace más de 30 años, fue un ingrediente importante que alimentara ese interés y, sobre todo, cuando supe que Art Laffer, a quien también conozco también de años, colaboraría con el nuevo presidente, facilitaría el proceso que yo iniciaba.



Ricardo Valenzuela

“Las cosas importantes en la vida han sido logradas por aquellos que siguieron intentándolo cuando parecía que no había ninguna esperanza”.

Martin Luther King

Con la revolucion escobarista derrotada, Gilberto Valenzuela se habia asilado en EU y así Calles tendría vía libre para continuar el plan esclavista que él tenía para Mexico. Una estructura estatista con la se ha controlado el pais hasta la fecha. Calles ya habia iniciado comunicación con los emisarios de los Rothschild que culminara en la formación del Banco de Mexico, entregando el control financiero del pais a la oligarquia global que en 1913 crearan el Fondo de la Reserva Federal. Además, el movimiento masónico mundial en reunión de su Consejo Supremo en Ginebra, habían decidido iniciar la eliminación del catolicismo en América Latina iniciando en México.  

Friday, April 5, 2019

Do not drink the water

Ricardo Valenzuela

Mario Vargas Llosa in one of his excellent works carries out an analysis of the content of the word; "pendejo," so popular throughout Latin America. From Mexico to Ecuador, says the writer, the meaning is fool, silly, but mysteriously crossing the Peruvian border becomes the opposite. In Peru a pendejo is the classic rogue who, using his pendejes, achieves success and is admired for that; for being a sympathetic rogue. And to define the Mexican pendejo, in Peru the word "cojudo" is used.

Some years ago when I had the opportunity to enjoy that great Mexican movie; The Law of Herod. The scene that most struck me was when the governor analyzed the alternatives to replace the murdered mayor of a small town in his state. His assistant covers him with the reading of résumés of faithful members of the party, which the governor immediately rejects until, the assistant takes one of the files and with an "this one no," he decides to pass it without presenting it to him. The annoying boss asks him; why not? The subaltern responds; "Because this is very pendejo." The governor without hiding his enthusiasm then says: "That is the one to send."

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

The eternal mediocrity of Mexico

Ricardo Valenzuela
Image result for Milton Friedman cartoons
At the beginning of the 80s I was taking a training with the Bank of America in its different offices in California, Chicago, New York and London. In one of my stays in Los Angeles, I was invited to a talk that would offer the Nobel laureate, Milton Friedman, one of the men I have admired the most and, above all, the guide which shaped my ideas of liberty and economic freedom. The event took place in one of the elegant lounges of the bank that was crowded with people from early on. A crowd that included the famous actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who years later would become governor of California. But my big surprise was the arrival of Ronald Reagan who a year later would be president of the United States.

The theme of the conference was the critical situation that world banking system was going through, listing motives from the misbehavior of the world economy, the novel currency flotation system, the absence of political leaders with real ideas of what economic development is etc. At a certain point of his talk, this wise man made the venue vibrate when he said: "This situation is so serious that the main banks of the world have lent more of their capital and reserves to countries that can be considered bankrupt." Before a gloomy murmur of the assistants, Milton Friedman makes a long pause that is taken advantage of by someone who, breaking the protocol, almost screaming question. "Countries in bankruptcy How, where?" The professor with a firm and slow voice answers: "There are many, but here close to us we have two examples; Brazil and Mexico. "

Thursday, March 15, 2018

In Response to Trump, the EU Suddenly Realizes That Tariffs Are Bad

In Response to Trump, the EU Suddenly Realizes That Tariffs Are Bad

Last Thursday, US President Donald Trump, signed an executive order to impose tariffs on aluminum and steel imports — of 10 percent and 25 percent respectively — exempting Canada and Mexico. In large part, the that protectionist measure is in response against the phenomena of "dumping," in which it is believed that some regimes — specifically the Chinese — are subsidizing steel exports.
The Chinese are not the only ones known to subsidize exports, however, and we have seen the Spanish state do this as well with Spanish-grown olives.
It is interesting then, that among the countries and geopolitical blocs that have denounced that Trump’s policy is the European Union. In fact, in response to the new US tariffs, European Commission president, Jean Claude Juncker, has threatened tariffs on Harley Davidson motorbikes and jeans brands like Levi’s, both made in the US.